Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Pros and Cons of Living in Nebraska

Reasons to Stay in Nebraska

  • Cheap rent
  • Ruby Red Squirt readily available
  • Cheap utilities
  • Vehicle inspection laws slim to non-existent
  • Nice sunsets
  • Lots of things (stores, bars, parks, etc.) within walking distance
  • Cheap eating out
  • Friends/social group provides support network
  • Leaving means time and money lost through relocation expenses

Reasons to Leave Nebraska

  • Winter is a dry, snowless wasteland of dead grass and trees, with endless views of the torn-up, broken corn and soybean fields as one drives along the highway.  Humidifiers become a necessity, and dry skin reaches its peak during January/February.
  • Summer is hot and humid as fuck, with a mugginess that sucks all moisture from one’s body and causes intolerable dehydration (see earlier note about walking).
  • Social interactions marred by people’s preoccupation with empty politeness, inherent in the idea that they can’t say what’s really on their minds and instead adopt a series of motions designed to simulate friendliness in an acceptable manner.  In situations where social norms don’t require such politeness (for example, when passing someone on the street), a posture of extreme indifference is adopted instead.
  • Prevalence of critical, internal judgment based on a person’s race/appearance/economic status, most often (in my case) implied through questions about one’s career goals and college experience (for example, “What did you go to school for?” “Is it hard to get a job using that degree?” “What are you going to do next?” etc.) in ways that mask the asker’s underlying criticism.
  • City architecture consists primarily of parking garages and bland-colored office buildings, thus contributing to an atmosphere of sameness.
  • No mountains, ocean, lakes you can swim in, or real forests within reasonable driving distance.  Hiking and walking trails minimal, and are usually restricted to prairie grasslands and urban bike paths.
  • The overwhelming feeling that everyone in Nebraska holds the same values, the same beliefs, the same life goals, and strives always to be the same, meaning that those holding unpopular, alternative, innovative, self-taught, or otherwise different beliefs will be subtly made to feel as if they don’t belong, make foolish decisions, or are otherwise just plain wrong, simply because they stand outside the majority.
  • It’s good to keep exploring new places.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

If you're not born in Nebraska like myself then the locals hate you

Just saying hi said...

Even if you from Nebraska and move away then come back pepole still treat you like your dirt .I grew up in Nebraska now live in Colorado the hell with it I would move back I go back to visit and go like hell leaving.

Just saying hi said...

Even if you from Nebraska and move away then come back pepole still treat you like your dirt .I grew up in Nebraska now live in Colorado the hell with it I would move back I go back to visit and go like hell leaving.

Just saying hi said...

Even if you from Nebraska and move away then come back pepole still treat you like your dirt .I grew up in Nebraska now live in Colorado the hell with it I would move back I go back to visit and go like hell leaving.

Unknown said...
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Kaden Joy said...

Horrible place where people have no manners and go around looking like they just sucked a sour grape. I think it's the weather here. It is awful, 15 below this winter here and it is May 25 and suppose to be 98 today with 68% humidity. I am from Florida on the Keys, weather is sunny and people are happy. Yes more crime there but no one has anything worth taking in this poor farm state. They are rude crude slow and stupid and their accents well pinch your nose and say Nebraska as slow as you can. That's it! I always want to say hurry up! They are also uneducated even tho Nebraska has good schools got to give them that. Who ever said utilities and rent are cheap WRONG. I own my house tho have to say real-estate is reasonable if you want to live in a cultural wasteland. If I hadn't bought here I would be home where you can look out at the GOM and not your neighbor playing with her 14 outside cats and tooting so loud I can hear her over here. AND she is farm royalty ( Oxymoron? )

Unknown said...

Amen. And God forbid you don't drive a "American Made vehicle.

Unknown said...

I visited once and loved the people , food and the sunsets floored me so BIG

Anonymous said...

I just disliked how insular it was. As a non-native, I didn't feel welcomed. Since people largely hang around family and childhood friends, they have no interest in expanding their social circles, and have the nerve to think something must be wrong with you if you cannot make friends (even thought they won't be your friend). I can see why some people like it, but folks need to stop acting as if there are no downsides to living there. A lot of people don't move to Nebraska, that in and of itself is very telling.

Anonymous said...

If you are not from Omaha or anywhere in Nebraska, you must never compare it to anywhere else or say anything negative about the city or state. You must be a big fan of the University of Nebraska football team even if you did NOT attend the college. If you do any of the aforementioned, they will dislike you intensely and try to make your life miserable. Omaha is a wonderful city but the attitude of the people toward outsiders is horrible.

Unknown said...
